Monday 13 August 2012

Flash VS HTML5 Canvas

Creative Web Design has many topics that we would like to discuss on a public platform. For this particular blog we have decided to tackle a subject I find particularly interesting... Flash Verses HTML5 Canvas... ooooh... tremor through the room. So where do we start? At the begging I should think. Assuming we all know what flash is since it has been around for some time now and has enabled basically all video and animation playback in browsers and on websites in the past.

However, the launch of HTML5 has brought with it an element that could potentially destroy flash.. 'canvas' What is canvas? im glad you asked.

Canvas was initially spawned by Apple in 2004 as a way for Webkit to render graphics. Browsers eventually adopted it in 2006 and shortly after became a part of HTML5. Canvas creates an area on your page that can be drawn to dynamically, which can allow for interactive applications such as drawing and animation.

As the web grows and evolves users expect its functionality to do same. Canvas allows for users to interact with their webpage in various ways So what does this mean? Good Question.

Essentially designers and developers are now able to develop in html and not have to worry about users being able to view animations or videos using an external plug in - flash. However, as much as flash seems to be flailing in the water, there might still be some air left in its lifevest.. In the New Flash cs6 they have included a feature with allows you to export script directly into canvas which can be handy for developers who are accustom to using flash but would like to experiment with canvas.

According to Microsoft, Internet Explorer 10 will introduce flash as a standard feature of its browser ( yay for IE). At this point it still seems uncertain as to what the outcome will be, however i think it will be very interesting to watch it all unfold. Feel free to share your opinion below!

And dont forget to check out our website Creative Web Design

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